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ISPE 指南按系列分类的目录清单:
GAMP ? 5
• GAMP 5: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems
• GAMP 5: 保证 GXP 计算机系统符合性的基于风险的方法
GAMP ? Good Practice Guides
• A Risk-Based Approach to Calibration Management (Second Edition)
• 基于风险的校正管理方法(第二版)
• A Risk-Based Approach to Electronic Records and Signatures
• 基于风险的电子记录和签名方法
• A Risk-Based Approach to GxP Compliant Laboratory Computerized Systems
(Second Edition)
• 基于风险的 GXP 符合性实验室计算机化系统方法(第二版)
• A Risk-Based Approach to GxP Process Control Systems (Second Edition)
• 基于风险的 GXP 工艺控制体系方法(第二版)
• A Risk-Based Approach to Operation of GxP Computerized Systems - A
Companion Volume to GAMP 5
• 基于风险的 GXP 计算机系统操作方法---GAMP 5 姊妹篇
• A Risk-Based Approach to Regulated Mobile Applications
• 基于风险的移动 APP 管理方法
• A Risk-Based Approach to Testing of GxP Systems (Second Edition)
• 基于风险的 GXP 系统检测方法(第二版)
• Electronic Data Archiving
• 电子数据归档
• Global Information Systems Control and Compliance
• 全球信息系统控制和符合性
• IT Infrastructure Control and Compliance
• IT 基础设施控制和符合性
• Legacy Systems
• 遗留系统
• Manufacturing Execution Systems – A Strategic and Program Management
• 生产执行系统—策略和编程管理方法
• GAMP Good Practice Guides Under Development
• 制订中的 GAMP GPG
ISPE Baseline ? Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides for New and Renovated
ISPE 基准: 新设施和创新型设施药品工程指南
• Volume 1 : Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (Second Edition) - Revision to
Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals
• 卷 1 : 活性药物成分(第二版) ---对散装药用化学品的修订
• Volume 2: Oral Solid Dosage Forms (Second Edition)
• 卷 2: 口服固体制剂(第二版)
• Volume 3: Sterile Product Manufacturing Facilities (Second Edition)
• 卷 3: 无菌药品生产设施(第二版)
• Volume 4: Water and Steam Systems (Second Edition)
• 卷 4: 水和蒸汽系统(第二版)
• Volume 5: Commissioning and Qualification
• 卷 5: 调试和确认
• Volume 6: Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities (Second Edition)
• 卷 6: 生物药品生产设施(第二版)
• Volume 7: Risk-Based Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products (Risk-MaPP)
• 卷 7: 基于风险的药品生产(风险 MAPP)
• Baseline Guides Under Development
• 制订中的基准指南
ISPE Guides
• ISPE Guide: Science and Risk-Based Approach for the Delivery of Facilities,
Systems, and Equipment
• ISPE 指南: 基于风险的设施、 系统和设备传送科学方法
• ISPE Guide: Biopharmaceutical Process Development and Manufacturing
• ISPE 指南: 生物药品工艺开发和生产(新出版)
• ISPE Guides Under Development
• 在制订中的 ISPE 指南
ISPE Good Practice Guides 优良规范指南
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Applied Risk Management for Commissioning and
• ISPE GPG: 在调试和确认中应用风险管理
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Approaches to Commissioning and Qualification of
Pharmaceutical Water and Steam Systems (Second Edition)
• ISPE GPG: 药用水和蒸汽系统调试和确认方法(第二版) (新出)
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Assessing the Particulate Containment
Performance of Pharmaceutical Equipment (Second Edition)
• ISPE GPG: 制药设备颗粒密闭性能的评估(第二版)
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Booklet Labels
• ISPE GPG: 书册标签
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Clinical Supply Systems
• ISPE GPG: 临床补给系统(新出)
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Cold Chain Management
• ISPE GPG: 冷链管理
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Comparator Management
• ISPE GPG: 对照组管理
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Development of Investigational Therapeutic
Biological Products
• ISPE GPG: 临床前治疗用生物产品开发
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Good Engineering Practice
• ISPE GPG: 优良工程规范
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Harmonizing the Definition and Use of
Non-Investigational Medicinal Products (NIMPs)
• ISPE GPG: 协调非临床前药品的定义和使用
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Interactive Response Technology
• ISPE GPG: 互动反馈技术
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Maintenance
• ISPE GPG: 维护
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Ozone Sanitization of Pharmaceutical Water
• ISPE GPG: 制药用水系统的臭氧消毒
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Packaging, Labeling, and Warehousing Facilities
• ISPE GPG: 包装、 贴标和仓储设计
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Process Gases
• ISPE GPG: 工艺用气
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Project Management for the Pharmaceutical
• ISPE GPG: 制药行业的项目管理
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Quality Laboratory Facilities
• ISPE GPG: 质量化验室设施
• ISPE Good Practice Guide: Technology Transfer (Second Edition)
• ISPE GPG: 技术转移(第二版) (新出)
• ISPE Good Practice Guides Under Development
• 制订中的 ISPE GPG
PQLI ? Guides 药品质量生命周期实施指南
• PQLI Overview Good Practice Guide
• Product Quality Lifecycle Implementation (PQLI) from Concept to Continual
Part 1 : Product Realization using QbD, Concepts and Principles
• 从概念到持续改进的药品质量生命周期实施(PQLI) 第一部分: 利用质量源于设
计(QbD) 实现实现, 概念和原则
• Product Quality Lifecycle Implementation (PQLI) from Concept to Continual
Part 2: Product Realization using QbD, Illustrative Example
• 从概念到持续改进的药品质量生命周期实施(PQLI) 第二部分: 利用质量源于设
计(QbD) 实现实现, 实例解说
• Product Quality Lifecycle Implementation (PQLI) from Concept to Continual
Part 3: Change Management System as a Key Element of a Pharmaceutical
Quality System
• 从概念到持续改进的药品质量生命周期实施(PQLI) 第三部分: 药品质量体系关
• Product Quality Lifecycle Implementation (PQLI) from Concept to Continual
Part 4: Process Performance and Product Quality Monitoring System
• 从概念到持续改进的药品质量生命周期实施(PQLI) 第四部分: 工艺性能和药品
• ISPE PQLI Guides Under Development
• 制订中的 ISPE PQLI 指南

来 源:网络


  • 上篇文章GB 50055-2011《通用用电设备配电设计规范》
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    资料主要来源于图书和网络,如有侵权请联系:5585196@qq.com 删除   压力容器设计参考  【苏ICP备2021048014号-1】